About the University
The South Valley University (SVU) is a private University located in Chikankata, Mazabuka South East, which lies 127km from Lusaka, off Lusaka-Livingstone Road. The University offers unique courses and programs which are on high demand in the country which include Nursing Sciences and Biomedical Sciences. As per plan the university is yet to commence more health science programmes, natural sciences, agricultural and veterinary sciences and other applied sciences. Established in the year 2015, the university has had its first graduation ceremony in the year 2020 and it has since produced competent Nurses and Biomedical Scientists. The south valley university brings the classroom environment in the comfort of your home as we provide open distance E-learning programs with our teaching more focused on innovative teaching strategies with well equipped lecturers, competent in online instruction design. The E-learning platform mainly targets in-service students doing the Bachelor of Science in nursing and Bachelor of Science in biomedical sciences. Our diploma students and direct Bachelor of Science Nursing and Biomedical Science students are yet to receive full time traditional learning blended with the utilization of the E-learning platform for quality education. The South Valley University is firmly established on quality assurance thus, has a team of competent and equipped lecturers who are ready to provide you with quality tertiary education and training closer to your home.
Our Vision Statement
Promotion of Entrepreneurship as a pillar of community transformation by the year 2045
Our Mission Statement
To provide quality tertiary education and training in health, Veterinary, Agricultural sciences, natural and applied sciences in order to address relevant current and emerging needs
1. To provide quality training in health care, natural and applied sciences, veterinary and
agricultural prevention and production by developing and enhancing skills and
competences of trainees.
2. To carry out research in health, natural and applied sciences, veterinary and
agricultural sciences and disseminate findings in order to enhance academic
excellence and contribute to the development of the nation.
3. To provide continuous professional development to workers in health, natural and
applied sciences, veterinary and agricultural science fields and contribute to health
care, veterinary and agricultural services.
4. To provide consultancy services on health care, natural and applied sciences,
veterinary and agriculture to the government and the community in order to increase
animal and crop production and influence policy formulation and implementation.
5. To effectively develop and manage human resources and infrastructure in order to
facilitate provision of quality education and training services.
6. To develop Monitoring and evaluation mechanism in order to facilitate appropriate
interventions and attainment of objectives.
7. To provide administrative, financial and logistical support services to training units in
order to enhance operations.
Register Today
Do you have 5 credit or better inclusive of biology, mathematics and English? Then South Valley University is here for you
Apply NowSchools
The School of Health Sciences has two departments running which include: Department of Nursing Sciences and Department of Biomedical Sciences
Our Courses
School Fees Payment
We have user friendly fees which carter for application, registration, learning materials, student ID and tuition fees, paid in three
The fees include application, registration, learning materials, student ID and tuition fees. Paid in three installments.When applying please make sure that you attach copies of your educational certificates, transcripts and any other relevent information.
NB: All documents must be in PDF format.
Register Today
Do you have 5 credit or better inclusive of biology, mathematics and English? Then South Valley University is here for you
Apply NowContact
Contact Us
Chikankata, Mazabuka South East
+260 97 7293160 , +260 96 2196186, +260 95 5692004